Did you know we've taken more of our Be A Beacon programme online?

To be able to better serve our current interstate community To enable this deep healing and light activation work to be done in the home for greater family and community benefit To ease the life integration process during and after events To help bridge the gap between the practical and spiritual To enhance our super power capacities beyond immediate, linear space and time To open up our community's capacity for growth

BEing a Beacon is about becoming a clear vessel of divine light on earth for the highest good of all...in a practical, embodied way.
Fully Expressed Fully Soul Aligned Full Power
AND to anchor that light as a community constellation on earth.
Both Sovereign and One.
Heaven on Earth

Is that your soul's call too? To live your highest? To be part of the revolutionary evolution that is upon us?
Be A Beacon is practical spirituality for the 'real' world.
If you're feeling it reach out for a chat beauty.
Find out more/book a chat.
Check out this link: https://www.beksthompson.com/beabeacon
P.S We mix the best of both worlds, so no matter where you are or how you like to connect/learn, we've got you covered: Online intensives and training, 1:1 mentoring, in-person immersions/retreats.